Detailed reports, sketches and pre-docking estimation
Visual Testing during Quality Control processes
Non-destructive testing using Rope Access on offshore units
Dry-dock assistance. Steel works and paint works supervision
Project supervision. Quality Management, Control and Assurance
Bulk Carrier. Rope Access during Remote Inspection Techniques under Cross Deck construction
Bulk Carrier. Rope Access during Remote Inspection Techniques under Cross Deck construction
Bulk Carrier. Ultrasonic Thickness Measurements of Inner Bottom Plating in cargo hold
Bulk Carrier. Ultrasonic Thickness Measurements of Inner Bottom Plating in cargo hold
Independent expertise and Quality control during Project supervision. Magnetic Testing on the new installed and welded construction of the bottom structure.
Independent expertise and Quality control during Project supervision. Ultrasonic Testing on the new installed and welded construction in water ballast tanks
Ultrasonic Testing of the welding seams
Bulk Carrier. Rope Access. Ultrasonic Thickness Measurements of Side Shell Frames in cargo hold
Bulk Carrier. Preparation for Remote Inspection Technique procedures. Close-up inspection and Ultrasonic Thickness Measurements of Cross Deck constructions
Gallery Video
Crude Oil Tanker. Repair of the crack on bulbous bow. Rope Access, Welding, Penetrant Testing
Crude Oil Tanker. Ultrasonic Thickness Measurements using Remote Inspection Techniques. Aid Climbing